How to Remove Eyelash Glue Safely and Effectively

a blond woman receiving a lash extension treatment

Table of Contents

  1. Tape Down the Client’s Bottom Lashes
  2. Use Cream Remover Instead of Gel
  3. Apply the Cream With Yegi Micro Brushes
  4. Wait 5 Minutes
  5. Brush Downwards
  6. Rinse With Soap and Water

As a lash technician, learning how to remove eyelash glue is a must. After all, you need to know how to remove lash glue so you can start new treatments with a blank canvas to work on! Fortunately, removing lash glue (and extensions) is a breeze with the help of our Yegi Cream Adhesive Remover!

Follow these instructions to ensure that your client is comfortable throughout the procedure.

1. Tape Down the Client’s Bottom Lashes

Start by using Yegi Beauty Hydrating Under Eye Patches to tape down the client’s bottom lashes. This helps to prevent the glue removal solution from getting on the skin, and it gives you a nice white surface that improves visibility while you work. As you learn how to remove eyelash glue, you’ll find that using the right products makes a tremendous difference.

2. Use Cream Remover Instead of Gel

We highly recommend using our Yegi Cream Adhesive Remover instead of gel products. The thicker consistency helps prevent it from getting everywhere — especially on your client’s skin. While the formula isn’t dangerous, it can cause an uncomfortable burning sensation. The cream is easy to work with, so you can take your time to prevent skin and eye contact and produce perfect results.

3. Apply the Cream With Yegi Micro Brushes

Our lint-free micro brushes make learning how to remove eyelash glue so much easier. They’re incredibly precise and ergonomic — once you try them, you’ll never go back! Dip the micro brush into the cream, and apply it generously to both eyes. Important: Follow proper sanitization procedures, and never double-dip. Throw away the disposable brush after each dip, and start fresh with a new one.

4. Wait 5 Minutes

Once the eyes are thoroughly soaked, it’s time to let cream do its thing. Let the cream sit for five minutes. While you wait, you could make small talk or even suggest other treatments or services. As you learn how to remove eyelash glue, remember that your client’s comfort is the first priority, and that includes your approach to the social aspect of the job.

5. Brush Downwards

After five minutes have passed, you can use a micro brush to remove the cream, glue, and any residual lash extensions. Always brush downwards — never up! You don’t want to accidentally lift the eye and potentially expose it to the glue removal solution. Keep brushing gently in a consistent, calming motion. This process is quite pleasant and relaxing for the client.

6. Rinse With Soap and Water

Once you’ve removed everything (including any tiny lash pieces), rinse the client’s face with soap and water and gently blot their face dry with a soft, clean towel, and that’s it! Now you know how to remove eyelash glue!

Using Quality Tools and Supplies Is the Key to Successful Results

a woman’s blue eye with lash extensions and gold eyeshadow

Like any skill, learning how to remove eyelash extension glue takes time and practice, as well as the right tools and supplies. Yegi Beauty is your go-to for everything you’ll ever need and more! We only sell professional products that yield stunning results. Accept no substitutes!

We’re Always Happy to Help

Want to know more? Our friendly experts can help you learn the ins and outs of lash treatments, including further guidance on how to remove eyelash glue. Watch this YouTube video to see Yegi in action, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Learning how to remove lash glue is just one step of many on your journey. For in-depth, hands-on training, and to get certified as a lash tech, sign up for a Yegi Academy class. Be your own boss in a fun, flexible, and profitable industry with Yegi Beauty!

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