Yegi Beauty Washed Up Knowledge

Yegi Beauty Washed Up Knowledge
Yegi Beauty Washed Up Knowledge
It's an exciting experience for both a lash technician as well as a client when the client enters the new beautifying world of lashes while the lash artist works on the client for the first time. Overall, it's fabulosity on both ends.
But here's what's even more significant after the deed is done, and that is the aftermath, and after the excitement has died down a bit. The client's thoughts revolve around this simple yet important question: what do I do now? And as the lash master, you must be prepared to flutter away all the details of eyelash extensions. 
Even more specific are questions like, "how am I supposed to wash my face now?" and "how am I supposed to shower with lashes on?" and we get it; we have all been there. But it's at this moment that you have to establish the ultimate bond between you and the client, and that lies in the simple fact of educating yourself in order to educate others.
Washing your face with eyelash extensions doesn't have to be as nerve-racking as it seems. It's taking certain steps to preserve the client's money as well as your hard work. Advise the client to consider washing their face with a wash cloth to avoid the eye area. If they need to remove makeup, it's adamant to use oil-free products; there are so many awesome make-up removers out there that flash that awesome"oil-free" slogan!
Now that it's clear that your overall face is taken care of, let's not forget the masterpiece itself; Yegi Beauty Lash Foam Cleanser Set is the perfect option to take care of not only the look of the lashes, but the health of your eyes as well. For more info, click here to Wash Away Your Worries With Yegi Beauty Lash Cleanser.
Now, as for the shower, the situation seems as though it's washing your face times 1000. That much scarier. But, the Yegi team is here to reassure you that there's always options, and it simply depends on the person's preference.
But listen here, lash technician! Give your clients choices to put them at ease.
  1. Wear goggles in the shower to be able to immerse your face under the showerhead completely.
  2. If you have waited the allotted time for the adhesive to dry (usually 24 hours) you can get your eyelash extensions wet. However, do not dry them or rub them with a towel. 
  3. You can also choose to avoid the streaming water from the showerhead completely and use the Yegi Lash Wash to keep the lashes clean and fresh.

The details may be overwhelming, but dealing with negative consequences can be the same conclusion as the adhesive not bonding with the lash extension. It's better to be conscious now rather than later. NO PROBLEMS, MO MONEY. 

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